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Writer's pictureANZACBS Secretary

ANZACBS Board of Directors – Call for Nominations

By Daniel Simsion, Secretary, ANZACBS

We are now calling for nominations for the elections to the ANZ ACBS Board of Directors, closing Tuesday 30 October 2018. Being on the Australia and New Zealand ACBS Board is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. It is also an opportunity for you to help shape the valued activities and direction of our vibrant, creative, and collaborative contextual behavioral community. This year, we will need to elect six new positions to the Board as listed below. Positions range from two to three years.

All board members responsibilities include: responding to emails on issues that come up throughout the year, small committee work on focused issues, regularly attending board meetings during the annual conference and attending monthly board meetings by remote access. The ANZ ACBS board uses popular collaboration tools such as “Trello”. These greatly help with communication between remote locations and it is an expectation that board members will learn how to use these tools.

The specific positions available, and their additional duties are described below:

President Elect (3 years): During the first year this individual will be ‘President Elect’, during the second they will be ‘President’ and during the third they will be ‘Immediate Past President’. As President Elect they will act similarly to a “member-at large” but also support the President. As President, they represent the Board and have delegated responsibility to action the Board’s policies and goals with assistance from the Executive Officer and other Board members as needed. As Past President they will act similarly to a “member-at large” but also support the President.

Treasurer (2 years): In addition to general board duties, this position involves general treasurer duties including supporting staff in the overseeing of ANZ ACBS financial processes and monthly reporting to the board.

Student Representative: In addition to general board duties, this position involves representing student members of ANZ ACBS. Nominees must be a student member of ANZ ACBS.

General Board Members : Member at Large (2 years): 3 Positions (including 1 New Zealand representative). These individuals will each serve a 2-year term and undertake general board duties.

As a current board member, I can say that this is a truly rewarding experience and it gives you a chance to interact with some kind, fun, and really smart people from all over Australia, New Zealand and the world.

All nominees and nominators must be members of ACBS. You may also submit as many suggestions for each category as you like.


Send an email with the subject line “ANZ ACBS Board Nominations” to by October 30, 2018.

Include the following information for each nominee:

  1. Proposed Position(s) (President Elect, Treasurer, General Board Member: Member at Large, General Board Member: New Zealand Representative, Student Representative)

  2. Name of nominee

  3. Email address of the nominee

  4. Best contact number of the nominee (including area code)

  5. Name and email address of ANZ ACBS member nominating nominee

The list candidates will then be passed on to the nominating committee who will assess applications according to the ANZ ACBS election procedures.

The Nominating Committee will then request a brief bio, photo and statement from each candidate that will be made available for consideration while voting. Balloting will be open for 10 days.

I am very much looking forward to receiving nominations for these exciting roles. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly by email.

Kind regards,


Dr Daniel Simsion Secretary – ANZ ACBS

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