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An Invitation to Write

Calling all ANZACBSers who have something to say, something to write, or some mad keen editing skills – we are putting together a Communications Team and we’d love you to join us. Whether you’d like to write/edit something once a month, or once a year, we’d love to hear from you – and whilst we’d love for you to step outside your comfort zone on this, we won’t ask you to step outside your self-care zone or your field of expertise

We are looking for a group of people who are willing to contribute in one, some, or all of the following ways – a minimum of once a year (though more regularly would be awesome):

  1. Topical issues scanners – people who read news sites and think “wow, would be great for ANZACBS to release a media statement about this” – you don’t have to write the article, just let us know and we’ll pass it to the relevant member of the writing team

  2. Media Statement creators – people who are keen to write a 400-8000 word response on behalf of ANZACBS on topical issues (when topic is within your field of expertise, and supported by an editing team)

  3. Topical issue writers – 400-800 word pieces highlighting CBS research or application in response to current events or calendar highlights (eg RUokay day; International Women’s Day; Christmas; Mothers’/Fathers’ Day).

  4. Position Statement writers: Do you have good knowledge about CBS applied to a particular topic/issue? Could you write a position statement on this (supported by our editorial team)? For example, ANZACBS Position on humane treatment of refugees; reconciliation; supporting families impacted by DV

  5. Profile pieces: Would you be willing to introduce members of ANZACBS to our community? Drawing upon your own creativity, or a list of questions we can provide, we would love you to write 400 word “humans of ANZACBS” pieces so we can get to know all our members.

  6. Editors: Whether or not you have time to WRITE pieces, would you be willing to lend your expert eyes to fact-check pieces that are relevant to your field of practice?

  7. Proof readers: Do you know where apostrophes belong? Do you cringe when commas are used when it should be a semi-colon? Are you already frustrated with the grammatical flaws of this invitation post? Oh my word, we need you!

Interested? Curious? Willing to explore this idea more? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email –

Thanks y’all Tiffany On behalf of the ANZACBS Board Communications Team

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